LBA Spring Field Day
1062, Hwy 1176, Bunkie, LA 71322
Email with any questions.

The Louisiana Beekeepers Association Spring Field Day on Saturday, March 25th at Evergreen Honey Co. at (1062 Hwy 1176, Bunkie, LA. 71322).
Training sessions will be offered over time blocks. Three concurrent sessions will be occurring at any one time, from which attendees can choose. The training sessions, running about 50 minutes long, are focused on providing information and live demonstrations for new, less-experienced, and intermediate-level beekeepers.
Doors will open for the event at 8:30 am, Saturday, with initial remarks at 9:00 am and the first session at 9:10 am.
Anticipated training sessions at this event include:
Level 1: Beekeeping: Where to Start, Equipment Needs and Apiary Set Up; Honey Bee Basics: Hive and Frame Types; Beekeeping Throughout the Year; Pests and Diseases; Extracting and Bottling Honey
Level 2: Honey Bee Biology: Behavior, Morphology, and Anatomy; Live Hive Inspection Basics: How to Read a Frame and Find the Queen; Basic Varroa Management and Monitoring; Splits for Beginners; Catching and Keeping Swarms
Level 3: Proper Timing for Feeding Bees; Structural Bee Removals; Wax Rendering and Demonstration; Queens Overview: Raising and Re-queening Techniques; Advanced Hive Inspection: Varroa Management and Monitoring
LBA Member fee of $25 and a lunch that day.
Bring your basic protective gear for the demonstrations and get ready to learn a lot more about honey bees and beekeeping!
Evergreen Honey Company (Bunkie Division)
1062, Hwy 1176, Bunkie, LA 71322

By registering for this event you consent to the following:
Waiver of Liability
This agreement releases and forever discharges Louisiana Beekeepers Association, Inc (LBA) and the Evergreen Honey Company, their agents, employees, successors and assigns, and their respective heirs, personal representatives, affiliates and any and all persons or who might be claimed to be liable, whether or not herein named from all liability, claims, lawsuits and demands relating to injuries or property damage that may occur during or any way related to beekeeping tours, classes and honeybee removals. By signing this agreement, I agree to hold LBA and Evergreen Honey Company entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries or property damage incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence in the State of Louisiana.
I also acknowledge the risks involved in beekeeping activities. These include but are not limited to stings, falls, shock, allergic reactions and personal injuries. I swear that I am participating voluntarily, and that all risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in this activity. If emergency administration of an Epi-Pen becomes necessary, I do not hold anyone accountable for adverse reactions that can possibly lead to injury or death.
By attending this event, I forfeit all right to bring a suit against LBA nor Evergreen Honey Company for any reason. In return, I will receive services rendered by LBA and Evergreen Honey Company. I will also make every effort to obey safety precautions listed in writing or explained to me verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed.
I fully understand and agree to the above terms.